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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Steve Mann Showing His Invention

Pretty interesting. Steve Mann talking about his camera glasses and some other

The surveillance Camera Players

Prof. Reed talked about them briefly so I checked them out on youtube. Someone is filing a TV that is showing what is happening from the camera's view. Funny enough, a police officer comes and asks them why they are filming the screen.


Question About Connecting Mann's Article to the Public Sphere.

Making me think right now is making me quite upset Mr. Reed, but let me share my opinion on Mann and the public sphere. Mann suggests that there will be limited privacy in the near future. He starts off by giving a few examples of surveillance in Baltimore. Using these examples that are given at the beginning of the piece; it is clear that the public sphere will be widened more so in the future.

It is apparent that the use of totalitarian video surveillance does create the presence of a counter public sphere and would shift to the private sphere. If used efficiently and throughout our world then the big brother effect can occur. This is frightening to most and to stop this Mann works by doing and uses his web cam to show that the public can fight back.

An example of a counter public sphere is when celebrities fight back and do not allow media to take photos, video footage and etc. This act is showing that they want their own privacy and do not always want to be in the spotlight.

Another example: Barry Bonds.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's Almost Sunday

I would never speed, murder, or even take a penny from a fountain while being watched by this pole.

I was unaware or just ignorant to the fact that surveillance is an issue that not only has ethics and rules behind it, but that many people have substantially different views on the use of the technology. After reading Mann's paper last week I enjoyed his use of "getting back" on store owners and others for their use of surveillance on the public. I felt that his idea of the t-shirt/backpack camera was very far fetched and that many people will not follow in his way. The parody took away from his serious tone of the previous pages. Anyway, I look forward to learning more about surveillance in the future.